Can I Get a Dental Implant After Orthodontic Treatment?

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. But what if you have already had orthodontic treatment? Can you still get an implant? The answer is yes, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind. The most common approach is to place the implants after the orthodontic work is completed. This is because dental implants cannot be moved once they have been placed in the jaw and osseointegration has occurred.

It's never too late to straighten your teeth. Transparent or metal braces can be applied to crowns, and a special adhesive is used to attach the crown and the support. In any case, it's always best to have an experienced orthodontist place orthodontic appliances in your mouth and follow the treatment carefully. After a thorough examination and analysis of your medical history, our dental care team will develop an individual care plan that fits your unique dental needs. Surprisingly, it's not uncommon for people to need dental implants while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Fortunately, most orthodontists and dentists agree that it's possible to place implants during orthodontic treatment, whether they're braces or aligners. However, some challenges can arise and may not always be recommended. Natural teeth can move abnormally, because the jaw will also adapt to the new titanium implant it has built-in. If the implant is not in the best position, it will look out of place once the rest of the teeth are aligned. Another situation in which it would be good to place dental implants before braces would be when the implant must be used as an anchor point for braces. Dental implants are extremely beneficial to patients and are used to replace teeth that may have been lost due to decay or even injury.

One of these situations is when the teeth surrounding the dental implant don't need braces or treatment. Dental implants cannot be moved once they have been placed in the mouth, meaning that, even with orthodontic treatment, the implants themselves will not move. If the implant is positioned properly compared to the other teeth, braces can be used to move the teeth around it. If you need both dental implants and braces, it's best to use braces first to correct crooked teeth and tilted molars in an upright position. In addition, if the dental implant needs to serve as an anchor point in order to apply adequate forces to reposition the other teeth, it is likely that the patient will receive the implant before putting on the orthopedic appliances. It's absolutely possible to get braces if you already have implants, especially if those implants replace your back teeth.

For people who have dental implants but still need some orthodontic treatment, one of the natural concerns is whether the implants are compatible with braces. The goal of orthodontic treatment is to straighten natural teeth, and if a dental implant is placed during this realignment, the teeth that surround it can move or adjust. Ideally, orthodontic treatment, which includes braces, should be placed on the teeth and the treatment completed before the implants are placed in the mouth.