How Many Implants Do You Need for a Full Mouth Restoration?

When it comes to full mouth dental implant procedures, the number of implants needed can vary from patient to patient. Generally, a full-mouth crown and bridge implant procedure requires between 12 and 16 implants, with six to eight implants for the upper jaw and six to eight implants for the lower jaw. However, some patients may only need two to four implants for a successful and comfortable denture stabilization, while others may require up to eight or more. The number of implants needed is largely dependent on the patient's oral structures and bone volume. For example, an oral surgeon will typically avoid areas of the upper jaw that are near sinus cavities and certain nerves, which is why it's rare to find a dentist who recommends eight implants for this area.

On the other hand, a healthy lower jaw can usually accommodate up to eight implants. Additionally, those who receive partial implant prostheses usually don't need as many implants for effective support compared to those who need full dentures. When determining the exact number of dental implants needed for a full mouth restoration, your dentist will take into account your age, stature, and any grinding habits you may have. For instance, an older patient with a smaller stature who doesn't grind their teeth will need fewer implants than someone younger with a larger stature who does grind their teeth. In general, the upper jaw bone is softer than the lower jaw bone, so you'll need a minimum of four implants for a full set of teeth in this area. Dental implants are an innovative replacement solution for missing teeth that offer patients a safer and more comfortable alternative than traditional dentures.

If you choose the removable option, your dentist can place two implants in the lower jaw and between four and eight in the upper jaw. With these implants in place, you can enjoy a permanent set of artificial teeth that looks and feels just like your own natural teeth.