Do Dental Implants Require Regular X-Rays After Placement?

Monitoring dental implants is essential for the duration of the surgery and after they are placed, whenever the implant is in the jaw. During the surgical phase, dental x-rays will help evaluate the healing and integration of the implant at the sites of surgery. Dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone, where they act as roots for missing teeth. The titanium in the implants fuses with the jaw, making them secure and stable, unlike fixed bridges or dentures.

Additionally, these materials do not deteriorate like natural teeth that support traditional bridges. X-rays are usually taken before, during, and after the installation of dental implants to monitor bone integration and implant success. As the weeks and months pass, we need to observe these areas to ensure complete osseointegration has occurred. Once this happens, your new dental implants will be ready to support fixed dental restorations such as a bridge or hybrid appliance.

A thorough examination of the bone, nerves and paranasal sinuses is necessary. A panoramic X-ray will also be done to determine if there are any underlying problems such as tooth decay or gum disease that may cause issues during the implantation process. A person with a mini dental implant should have it checked by a dentist once a year; this includes an exam and x-rays. The dentist looks for any problem such as cracks, chips, or early signs of infection.

Fortunately, if something goes wrong with a dental implant, replacing it is relatively easy. 3D imaging is often used in specialty offices such as dental implant offices and dental surgeons to provide comprehensive services related to complete oral reconstruction, implant therapy, or oral surgery. The cost of dental implants varies depending on many factors such as complexity, number of teeth to be replaced, and location of the dentistry. The dental implant planning process can involve a variety of specialists such as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, periodontist, prosthodontist, or otolaryngologist.

After reviewing x-rays and assessing bone levels, implant specialists can determine if you're a good candidate for implant therapy. Dental implant surgery can be a good alternative to dentures or bridges that don't fit well and it can be an option when there are no natural tooth roots to support dentures or bridges. Impacted teeth can be trapped inside the bone or partially erupted which is common in wisdom teeth. If you want to learn more about how this dental implant process works or have questions about whether implants are right for you, it's important to understand all the steps involved.