Should You Get an Implant After Tooth Extraction?

It is essential to replace lost or extracted teeth as soon as possible, and for most patients, dental implants are the ideal solution. An implant can be inserted right away if the gums are healthy and the jawbone is dense enough. After the tooth is removed, the dentist can immediately place the titanium post into the jawbone, which will gradually fuse with it to provide a secure base for a custom dental crown. This is also known as delayed immediate implant placement, as it takes place within three months of the tooth extraction.

The delay is usually due to damaged gums or an infection that needs to heal before an implant can be attempted. During the first three months after a tooth is extracted, more than 50% of bone resorption will occur, so it is necessary to place the implant within this timeframe. Once you are ready, the dental surgeon will insert a titanium rod and wait three to six months for it to fuse. There is no need to place dental implants immediately after tooth extraction; people who have been missing teeth for years are replacing them with implants all the time.

However, in most cases, our Ladys Island dentist will recommend waiting 3 to 6 months after the tooth extraction to allow the area to heal completely. If you wait longer, you may experience greater bone loss in the jaw, which happens naturally when a tooth is extracted. If enough time passes, your jaw may become too thin or weak to support an implant, in which case bone grafting may be necessary. If you plan on getting a dental implant after a tooth extraction, you will usually have to wait at least 10 weeks before you can have it placed.

Keep in mind that regardless of when you decide to get dental implants, you'll need to wait at least 10 weeks before you can perform implant surgery. Your dentist is likely to recommend dental implants as the best solution for replacing missing teeth due to their many advantages.