Can I Get a Dental Implant After Root Canal Treatment?

Most dentists agree that keeping your natural tooth is the best option. However, if a root canal treatment fails and there is no other way to fix the problem, extraction and a dental implant may be the best solution. Caps or crowns placed after endodontics typically last between 7 and 10 years, so they must be replaced multiple times throughout life. It is important to note that dental implants are not an alternative to root canals. If an endodontic procedure fails, the patient can always have their tooth extracted and replaced with an implant.

Many factors must be taken into account, such as the likelihood of successful endodontics and the amount of insurance coverage for the various procedures. For example, if a dental insurance plan pays more for one treatment than another, the patient can factor in the costs of the procedures. Ultimately, it is up to the dentist to provide all the data and for the patient to make an educated and informed decision about treatment. When it comes to properly extracting an endodontic tooth, it ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences. Endodontics will preserve your natural teeth, but this treatment is less successful in the long term and you may need to re-treat your endodontic treatment every 7 to 10 years after your original root canal. Dental implants have a similar cost to endodontics, but they have a higher success rate.

You will have a stronger tooth that looks and feels natural for a longer period of time. Dental implant surgery is a treatment in which the entire tooth (crown and root) is removed and replaced with a titanium implant. A dental implant will replace the infected and sore tooth with a realistic-looking tooth that stands on its own (it does not rely on connection to adjacent teeth or damage surrounding teeth).In most cases, the dental implant is placed at the same visit (the tooth is placed in one hour; the implant is placed immediately; four; all in six) before the tooth is extracted (a single visit, instead of several in the endodontic treatment). Patients under 18 years of age (patients in the growth phase) may need dental endodontics to keep the dental space open until they are old enough for a dental implant (once growth ceases).

The implant is then allowed to heal for 2 to 3 months until you are ready to place the permanent crown over the implant. If an endodontic procedure cannot save your tooth and you must remove it, you should consider using a dental implant that allows you to bite and chew properly, prevents healthy teeth from moving, and helps you maintain a natural appearance.